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security aspect of online examination process is critical to overcome malpractices or unauthorized access to the information. Security can be improved with techniques of Remote Proctoring, Secure Browser, Detailed Audit Logging.....

“Online Examination is becoming important aspect to conduct entrance exam of education institute, recruitment exam for hiring. Splashgain has come up with unique proposition where examination proctoring along with entire examination management can be effectively executed using technology....”

It has become apparent to verify personality traits of the candidate during selection/ hiring process. Many organisations are finding personality tests as important selection criteria apart from other parameters like academics, experience etc. Personality test can provide useful insights about ability to work in the team, innovation quotient, integrity, ability to generate new ideas. All such qualities are essential to have greater team for the success.....

“Skill development has been considered one of the critical aspect for job creation in India. India has unique demographic advantage with more than 60% of the population is in young age group. But in order to ger dividend from such large work force, employability has to be improved. As per current statistics only 10% of the fresh graduates are employable and rest of the 90% lack skills required for eligible to be hired by corporate. India’s GDP is growing at great rate of around 6-8% but job creation is not catching up with it...”

Security of online examination is essential to get 100% accurate and authenticated results of the exam. In the recent times people have identified ways to hack online exam process or impersonate the candidate to manipulate the exam process for personal gains. Many hi tech electronic devices are used to manipulate online exam process. Online Examination System should be secure to prevent such malpractices....

“Online Exam Process need to manage some of the critical processes to succeed. Here are some of the challenges for managing online Internet Connectivity, Security, Communicating with Exam Candidates, Management of Question Bank ”

“Today’s world demands analytical ability and practical knowledge of the various aspects. Entrance exams of the universities and institutes are defined to select candidates with better practical knowledge. Entrance examinations are objective and questions are defined to test conceptual knowledge of the applicant instead of theoretical knowledge. Technology like Eklavvya has provided tools and techniques to design entrance exam according to your syllabus and examination pattern. Paper setter can define exam pattern according to number of topics to be covered, total questions from each topic , randomizing questions for each applicant during the exam, defining negative marking etc....”

“Online Assessment system can provide insight for group performance for particular question with details including total no of candidates attempted the question, total no of candidates answered correctly, total candidates answered incorrectly etc. This analysis useful to understand knowledge of the candidates for particular question of specific topic. Additional inferences can be identified with detailed analysis of question response based on location, gender, Region of the candidate appearing for Online Assessment.”

“Online assessment can be conducted with the help of online/ Offline combinational model. In case of areas where internet is a challenge , examination can be deployed on local server machine and users who want to appear for the assessment can connect to this local server. Users can complete their assessment without internet connection. As soon as assessment process is completed local server gets synced with the main server to save assessment details for the candidate.”

“India is in good position to train youth with required skill sets and provide man power to rest of the world along with Indian requirements. Training with consideration of future requirement would be the essence of skill India campaign. In order to succeed in this campaign India would need domain knowledge of various sectors/ segments like hospitality, retail, travel, transport, machine repairing, electrical work. Assessment of those skills should be done in standard manner with the help of software technology. In order to succeed in this initiative India requires investment in preparing domain knowledge of vocational training and continuously upgrade it according to needs of the industry. Currently in case of India only 2% of the total workforce is certified as skilled and rest of the 98% required lot of attention to go to the next level.”

“Online test series is an online assessment tool designed to help the students of your institute to be more prepared and competent for any of the competitive exams conducted all throughout the country. With the aid of this effective tool, they will be able to improve their knowledge and confidence as well as rank/score in the mock exams and actual exam by taking practice tests. By registering for an online test series, they will have access to thousands of test questions prepared by expert faculty covering different subjects related to the competitive exam students will be taking along with other aspirants.Advantages of Online Test Series”

“Traditional method has limitations of scalability where you can teach limited set of students. Offline mode offers advantage of direct interaction with students. Teacher can develop direct communication with individual students. However in case of higher education or competitive professional course coaching such direct contact may not be essential. Student may just need guidance and tips to perform better.”

“Examination or Assessment Process is shifting towards Online. Technology is evolving for the online exam process. Managing Online Exam Process has multiple workflows and exam attributes. It is essential to have various online exam attributes in place to manage exam process successfully. ”